

Prime Minister's address at G20 Summit, Session III: Sustainable Development

October 31, 2021


Corona has slowed down the pace for attainment of Sustainable Development Goals in the world in the last one and a half years. This epidemic has further widened the economic gap between individual countries, between social groups, between women and men. It is essential that, in post-COVID recovery, our great priority must be on SDGs. LDCs, especially Africa and small island countries, will need special support. In this context, Italy took the initiative to hold a meeting of the G20 Development Ministers for the first time - I welcome this.


India has a vast experience of South-South Development Cooperation. India itself is a Proving Ground of development - our development journey can offer many templates to other developing countries. Whether it is digital connectivity, financial inclusion or immunization of children, India has certified 'at scale' solutions. India is always ready to share these solutions with other developing countries. We have made many of our digital solutions open source and they are available to the entire humanity. We would like to collaborate with our G20 partners to share India's experience with other developing countries.


This is the first year of 'Decade of Action'. It is our shared responsibility to extend the benefits of global recovery to all countries. The role of G20 in this will be very important.

Thank you.

DISCLAIMER: This is the approximate translation of Prime Minister’s remarks. Original remarks were delivered in Hindi.


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