For dak/mail
Receipt & Dispatch (R&D) Unit
Room No. 74 B, Gate No. 04,
Ministry of External Affairs (MEA),
South Block, New Delhi, 110011
Please note that R&D Unit does not accept Legal notices, court orders, warrants and summons, which may be delivered directly to the concerned Division/Section of MEA, as per details given below:
PSP Division (Joint Secretary, PSP & CPO, Patiala House, MEA, New Delhi-110001): Court Cases related to provision of passports and related services (PCC, IC, EC etc) to Indian Nationals
CPV Division (Joint Secretary, CPV, Patiala House, MEA, New Delhi-110001): Court Cases pertaining to Foreign Nationals on provision of visa and OCI services and on consular services to Indian nationals.
For service of judicial processes (Summons, legal notices, orders, etc.) to persons abroad, the request may be sent to the Ministry of Home Affairs in Criminal Matters and Ministry of Law & Justice in Civil and Commercial matters.
Diaspora Engagement Division (Joint Secretary, DE, Pravasi Bhartiya Kendra, Chankyapuri, New Delhi 110021): Court Cases related to marital disputes, NRI Property Disputes and child custody cases from abroad.
Overseas Employments & Protectorate General of Emigrants Division (Sh. Birendra Kumar, Under Secretary, (RPU-II/I. P&G), Pravasi Bhartiya Kendra, Chankyapuri, New Delhi 110021, Email ID: Telephone: 011-24156518): Legal Case petaining to the registration of Recruiting Agencies (RAs) for overseas employment, grievances/complaints of emigrant workers against the RAs, and also issuance of prosecution sanctions against unregistered RAs as well as illegal immigrant workers for overseas employment.
Administrative Matters:- AO (General Administration) Section, Room No 4099, Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan, MEA, Janpath, New Delhi-110011
Vigilance Matters:- SO (Vigilance Unit), CNV&I Division, Room No. 0168, Jawaharlal Nehru Bhawan, MEA, Janpath, New Delhi-110011
Web Information Manager
Name : Randhir Jaiswal
Designation : AS [XP] & Spokesperson
Email: jsxp[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
Phone: 011-23383371/23383373