Diplomatic/Official Visa
Issuance of Diplomatic/Official Visas to foreign diplomats/officials and their dependent family members
A new online system for issuance of diplomatic/official visas has been introduced w.e.f February 2015.
All foreigners holding diplomatic/official/service passports, in order to obtain a diplomatic or official visa, are required to submit visa applications online (indianfrro.gov.in/mea). Physical visa application forms are not accepted. A message is sent via email or SMS when the visa is granted. Due to onset of Covid-19 pandemic, since May 2020, the CPV division, MEA, has been issuing e-FRRO Visa [Online Visa] in lieu of pasting visa stickers on passports. The e-FRRO Visa [Online Visa] will be sent to the respective applicant through email. The pasting of Visa sticker on the passport has been done-away with.
Other services that are rendered through this online portal are:
- Extension of diplomatic/official visas
- Conversion to diplomatic/official visas
- Transfer of diplomatic/official Visa
Applicants are advised to apply at least 3 weeks before the expiry of their visas or visa free period.
- For general instructions/guidelines, Documents required, Photo requirements:Click here

- To apply for a Diplomatic/Official visa for self or dependent family members:Click here

- For visa status enquiry email at: asopv2[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in and uspv2[at]mea[dot]gov[dot]in
(Note: Holders of ordinary passports are not serviced by MEA. Ordinary passport holders need to approach the FRRO/FRO concerned).
In case of any query, suggestion, problem or urgency related to issuance of diplomatic/official visa kindly contact:
Shri Jitendra Kumar Singh
Under Secretary (VO),
CPV Division
Ministry of External Affairs
New Delhi
Phone: 011-23386630
Appellate authority
Dr. Aman Puri
Joint Secretary
CPV Division
Ministry of External Affairs
Phone: 011-23387104
Fax: 011-23782821