

Transcript of Sound-bite by Foreign Secretary on RIC Informal Summit in Buenos Aires

November 30, 2018

Foreign Secretary, Shri Vijay Gokhale: Prime Minister has just returned from a meeting with President Putin of Russia and President Xi Jinping of China. This is a trilateral summit level meeting which has just been held in the margins of G20. It was a very warm meeting, it was a very positive meeting.

Prime Minister thanked President Putin for initiating this effort and all three leaders felt that given our respective roles as emerging economies and emerging markets, given our respective roles and influence in the world in terms of maintaining peace and stability in the region that it was perhaps important that the three countries should cooperate and coordinate in various areas in order to contribute to global peace and prosperity.

So the general sentiment in the room, the views expressed by all threee leaders were very similar. They all felt that we should work together to steer global economic governance. They felt that the three countries should work together where we could promote peace and stability in regional crisis, that we should work together on terrorism, we should work together on disaster relief and humanitarian assistance and in general the effort would be, not that the cooperation would be directed against anybody but that the cooperation would be based upon how these three countries, each having their own strengths in the world could contribute to global good.

At the end of the meeting it was the sense of the three leaders that the meeting has been very useful and such meetings should continue in the future in the margins of international conferences.

Thank you.


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